Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shih Huang Ti

Who exactly was this person? He, who ascended the throne of Ch'in in 246 BC at the age of 13, yes, Shih Huang Ti which literally means Firzt Sovereign Emperor. The man who had left a tremendously black reputation among the chinese community as a result of his ruthless and schematic ruling, his massive ordering of labours, his harsh laws, and his burning of books in 231 BC was also the very same man who unified all of China, thus acclaiming the title as the First Emperor of China. A very interesting person indeed.
Undeniably, Shih Huang Ti was a man of great influence in the past. He constructed a vast network of roads and canals. One of his great artworks, (well, wasnt exactly 'his' work, to be precise, it was the work of billions of innocent man who were brutally used as labours) was The Great Wall, contributing to one of the eight wonders of the world.

to be continued...